Snub square antiprism

Snub square antiprism
Type Johnson
J84 - J85 - J86
Faces 8+16 triangles
2 squares
Edges 40
Vertices 16
Vertex configuration 8(35)
Symmetry group D4d
Dual polyhedron -
Properties convex

In geometry, the snub square antiprism is one of the Johnson solids (J85). It is one of the elementary Johnson solids that do not arise from "cut and paste" manipulations of the Platonic and Archimedean solids, although it is a relative of the Icosahedron that has fourfold symmetry instead of threefold. The 92 Johnson solids were named and described by Norman Johnson in 1966.

It can be thought of as a square antiprism with a chain of triangles inserted around the middle. A similar effect can be achieved with a triangular antiprism (which is an octahedron), resulting in an icosahedron.

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